It feels like I worked a lot yesterday and got very little accomplished.
Part of this is because for some reason I insisted on hand sewing Paul's new Christmas scarf. At first it was because I was already sitting in front of the TV, then it was because I had so many layers of
fabric that I was concerned with breaking another needle on my recently-repaired sewing machine,
and then it was because I was watching the Presidential Debates yesterday and
without a little muti-tasking I would have lost it and gone off on everyone involved.
(I may have done a little yelling as it was, but significantly less. And they can't hear me anyway. Obviously...)
The other thing that took up my time yesterday was that I finally set up my Etsy shop!
I'm not sure why things are usually much less complicated it in my head, but there was a lot to fill out on that thing and I haven't gotten through half of it yet. I've filled out just a little more than required to open, which means I've got a long way to go. I also had a heck of a time with the banner. I'm guessing
my image was too large, but instead of letting me know that it just kept sending me
an error message and wiping everything I just filled out. You'll have to excuse me if my announcements, etc. seem short. I had to fill them out about five times.
However, annoyed as I was by dinnertime last night, I now have an etsy shop!
You can find my octopus teacup as well as a set of the faces here (photos taken by my patient and talented husband) and so far... nothing else. Now that Paul's stocking is finished I'm hoping to add a few to the shop (machine made!) as well as some more teacups. I'm thinking another octopus, a poppy, and a kite? I'm down to my last three (undamaged) cups so I'll have to start scouring Goodwill again. I do love that place!
Have a happy Thursday!
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