I've always been someone who's excited about birthdays.
As a kid it seems to be normal and expected, but as an adult I've watched many
a friend shrug off the idea of another birthday.
Meanwhile, I feel like I've gotten much more fervent and vocal about my love of birthdays, perhaps
specifically because it no longer seems to be mainstream at my age.
I'm basically a birthday rebel.
And I believe in birthdays. You are literally celebrating the fact that you were born.
It's awesome.
The thing is, my favorite part of a birthday is the gathering. And I like them planned.
Of course good food is a plus, but I like games and silliness
and regular birthday frivolity, plus a big ol' batch of chocolate fondu.
As I've gotten older it's been harder to find a group of folks who will happily (no eye rolling please)
play birthday games, and since I recently moved that pool of invitees is looking pretty slim. Like... 3?
So the question then, is how to handle this specific birthday (which happens to also fall on election day this year. Damn politicians... stealing my birthday thunder.)
My dream celebration still involves birthday games, a big group, a theme, and costumes.
(That's the dream, mind you. I haven't gotten anyone to dress up for my birthday
sans eye rolling in ages.)
So should I attempt a bigger gathering with people I know won't get into it, or stick to something little?
I read these posts on a birthday road trip the other day and thought that was a pretty awesome celebration.
But I don't know where I'd road trip from central Kansas. It also made me pretty homesick for that part of the country.
Luckily I still have plenty of B-day planning time, but since my birthday falls a week after Halloween it always seems to sneak up so quickly!