About Me

Welcome to Cabbages and Kings- where I will share musings of my life and adventures.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Birthday Festivities

I've always been someone who's excited about birthdays. 
As a kid it seems to be normal and expected, but as an adult I've watched many
a friend shrug off the idea of another birthday.
Meanwhile, I feel like I've gotten much more fervent and vocal about my love of birthdays, perhaps
specifically because it no longer seems to be mainstream at my age.
I'm basically a birthday rebel.
And I believe in birthdays. You are literally celebrating the fact that you were born.
It's awesome.
The thing is, my favorite part of a birthday is the gathering. And I like them planned.
Of course good food is a plus, but I like games and silliness
and regular birthday frivolity, plus a big ol' batch of chocolate fondu.
As I've gotten older it's been harder to find a group of folks who will happily (no eye rolling please)
play birthday games, and since I recently moved that pool of invitees is looking pretty slim. Like... 3?
So the question then, is how to handle this specific birthday (which happens to also fall on election day this year. Damn politicians... stealing my birthday thunder.)
My dream celebration still involves birthday games, a big group, a theme, and costumes. 
(That's the dream, mind you. I haven't gotten anyone to dress up for my birthday
sans eye rolling in ages.)
So should I attempt a bigger gathering with people I know won't get into it, or stick to something little?

I read these posts on a birthday road trip the other day and thought that was a pretty awesome celebration.
But I don't know where I'd road trip from central Kansas. It also made me pretty homesick for that part of the country.

Luckily I still have plenty of B-day planning time, but since my birthday falls a week after Halloween it always seems to sneak up so quickly!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Weekend in Emporia

This weekend we were lucky enough to have my mom and aunt fly 
in from Boston to visit little old us!
These are the second (and third) visitors we've ever had in Emporia.
We LOVE visitors, but honestly, we were entirely sure what to do with them locally...
Luckily they arrived with a list of things to see and we filled our time quite nicely! 
(In fact I spend most of Tuesday recovering. You ladies wore me out!)
One of the best things about early visitors (especially those who have some ideas of what they
want to see/do) is that you get to hone in on your visitor to-do list. You know, all those cool local things
you bring out whenever people come to visit so you can show them
how awesome you are for finding all these local gems
and how cool your new location is in its own particular way.
We had only found a few local gems, but my aunt did her research before she arrived
and we have now doubled the must-see Emporia activities!
(Which is particularly awesome because when you ask locals what to do in the are they have no idea. Twenty-something Emporians are notorious for all leaving town on the weekends. Lame.)
So, what should you do if you are planning a visit to Emporia? Well let me tell you.

First you explore some nearby cities. Since you're probably flying into Kansas City or Wichita you might want to check out the museums and yummy restaurants. The Nelson Atkins Arts Museum has some awesome outdoor sculpture and would be a great place for a walk (when it isn't 50 degrees and everyone isn't bundled in hats and scarves.)


Next you go to the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve. (This is where we got our epic sunburns a few weeks back. It turns out they have a bus tour at 11am which is entirely sunburn free and ideal for the over sixty and under ten crowds.)

You also stop by Cottonwood Falls to or from the Preserve and eat a ton of pie at the Emma Chase Cafe. (If you happen to be a vegetarian like me, you basically avoid the rest of the menu.) Make sure to buy an extra pie for dessert and tomorrow's breakfast. (You'll thank me.) You also admire the town hall and the store selling work from local artisans- all on Broadway St. If you walk to the end of the road you admire the falls. (You also suspect that they are nicer looking when there hasn't been a recent drought.)

Next up you walk all over Emporia and particularly enjoy the Grenada Theater, Coffee, and Chocolate shop. 

You try to track down the murals (at least one is on 6th st.) and you walk by the William Allen White House
and curse its strange hours (open April-October.)

Next you swing by Emporia State University so you can admire the lake and see if my husband is free and wants to grab some lunch and eat outside. (He does and you do.)


 That was about it for this visit, but my dad is coming in a few weeks and I'm looking forward to a trip to the zoo (not my mom's cup of tea.)

I spend the day after my mom and aunt left recovering from the visit. Hosting is exhausting!

-Mia J-M

Thursday, October 4, 2012


It feels like I worked a lot yesterday and got very little accomplished.
Part of this is because for some reason I insisted on hand sewing Paul's new Christmas scarf. At first it was because I was already sitting in front of the TV, then it was because I had so many layers of 
fabric that I was concerned with breaking another needle on my recently-repaired sewing machine,
and then it was because I was watching the Presidential Debates yesterday and
without a little muti-tasking I would have lost it and gone off on everyone involved.
 (I may have done a little  yelling as it was, but significantly less. And they can't hear me anyway. Obviously...)
The other thing that took up my time yesterday was that I finally set up my Etsy shop!

I'm not sure why things are usually much less complicated it in my head, but there was a lot to fill out on that thing and I haven't gotten through half of it yet. I've filled out just a little more than required to open, which means I've got a long way to go. I also had a heck of a time with the banner. I'm guessing
my image was too large, but instead of letting me know that it just kept sending me 
an error message and wiping everything I just filled out. You'll have to excuse me if my announcements, etc. seem short. I had to fill them out about five times.
However, annoyed as I was by dinnertime last night, I now have an etsy shop!

You can find my octopus teacup as well as a set of the faces here (photos taken by my patient and talented husband) and so far... nothing else. Now that Paul's stocking is finished I'm hoping to add a few to the shop (machine made!) as well as some more teacups. I'm thinking another octopus, a poppy, and a kite? I'm down to my last three (undamaged) cups so I'll have to start scouring Goodwill again. I do love that place!
Have a happy Thursday!


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What's in a name?

The other day I saw this post on Cup of Jo and was super delighted
because I've been mentally preparing a post on the same topic
for weeks and was excited to hear her opinion.

Paul and I got married in April after over seven years together, so the topic 
of marriage and how we would handle the last names had been discussed many a time.
I had always intended to keep my name, but when Paul and I talked about future us, it was clear we would
hyphenate any kids' names. This made sense to both of us, so one day Paul proposed the possibility of hyphenating our last names. Both of them. 
I had considered the option of hyphenating mine before, but it just didn't seem worthwhile. We would still have had different names. But if we both hyphenated we would have the same name, as well as being able to
keep our own. I was in and when we got married we both changed our last names to 
J(my last name)-M(his last name.)
Since this change of name I've become very opinionated about hyphenated names. Here are some of my thoughts.

1. They're kind of awesome. They allow you and your partner to share a last name (fabulous both symbolically and practically- we never have to wonder whose name a reservation
is under and we can check in together when we fly) and you completely avoid any 
anti-feminist feelings that can come with taking your husband's name
because of the history of this tradition.

2. They really feel like you've created a new family unit. Our last name isn't 100% connected to either of our families, but we can still pass on a piece of our family history through our
 hyphenated name to our future kids.

3. Unlike keeping my last name (which was my initial plan) I still got that sense of change that I wanted to feel when I got married. Paul and I had already lived together for three years 
when we got married, so besides for our new hyphenated names, there weren't
any big differences in our relationship that came along with tying the knot.

4. All of a sudden two perfectly common last names become new and original. Paul pointed out the brilliance of this in the future for when we're naming kids: basically zero chance of us naming our kid 
something normal like Tom and ten years down the road having our little Tom Riddle
getting made fun of on the playground for sharing a name with the "dark lord." Paul's 
name has also become way more recognizable in his profession. If you google 
Paul J-M he's about it.


1. Unfortunately, it's still not a very common practice and it confuses the heck out of people. The first time I used my new last name was when I changed my credit card. I was called Mrs. M. Later that 
week someone called Paul Mr. J. My favorite moment of confusion was when I told a woman
at the doctor's office that there was a hyphen between the last names.
I then saw her write down an apostrophe.

2. My name is long. Since I have two middle names and now a hyphenated last name, it's super long. As the woman at the social security office said, "...oh boy..."
3. I had to make four trips to the social security office before I got a card with all my names including the hyphen and sans typos. (This is probably not normal.)

4. J-M doesn't flow. It's a risk you take when hyphenate. Sometimes it sounds meant to be, other times it's something you have to get used to.

That's about it. It's not for everyone, but I'm a fan of the double spousal hyphenation!

(In unrelated news, Gus is home from his surgery and recovering well! The nurse said he threw a syringe across the room with his teeth when she tried to feed him with it. That fact made me a little proud.)

Mia J-M