About Me

Welcome to Cabbages and Kings- where I will share musings of my life and adventures.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


So this is what 27 feels like, huh??

Yesterday was my birthday and true to form my husband was fantastic!
He woke me up for surprise birthday breakfast (one of my favorite birthday activities),
we met up for leftover pizza at his job, then quickly tried to pull our apartment together
before we hosted friends for a birthday/election/lasagna party.
Basically, it was birthday success!
But as Paul likes to remind me, yesterday was just my birthday-day.
You see, we're seriously celebrators. Why celebrate a birthdayday, when you can celebrate a birthdayweek??
Paul and I are heading to Kansas City this weekend for more celebrating and further birthday surprises!
So far 27 is rocking. Unfortunately I dropped the ball on birthday photos, but here is a photo of Paul and me from last week. I think this picture gives a vague idea of how awesome this husband of mine is!

Photo: Best Halloween costumes EVER!
Oh yeah, I don't know if you noticed, but yesterday was also election day. Paul tells me that my birthday present was democracy. 
More November gratitude: I'm grateful for an amazing and supportive husband and for living in a time and country where I'm able to cast my vote.

Monday, November 5, 2012


So I've been MIA on here for a while (hehe, get it?) 
The thing is, it turns out October kind of sucked. Don't get me wrong, it had its moments,
but I learned in October that my older sister is fighting breast cancer. My sister is tough as nails
and if anyone can kick cancer's ass it's her, but I took the news pretty hard.
She's young with little kids and thousands of miles away, and I just felt so useless.
And I shut down. For a while. I dealt with everything I had to (it's not like I stopped bathing or anything), but not much more than that.
On top of my few weeks of shutting down, I've been super self-pitying lately.
Remaining jobless is taking a toll on our bank account and seriously limits the number of people I can meet in our new town.

But now it's November, so here's to the month of gratitude!
I'm grateful that my jobless state has the benefit of allowing me to visit my big sister, smother her in hugs and back massages, play with her cute little kiddos, and do her laundry and dishes!
I hope anyone reading this is doing well, but if you're having a sucktastic day I'm sorry. And I hope you can focus on something good and turn it around. (I recommend hot cocoa for crap days.)